Be multilingual, play global

Foreign languages for business at the UL SEB

A good command of English is crucial for cooperation with partners in the business and academic world. However, for many global players speaking just English may not be enough for effective communication. Experience has shown that it is more than desirable to speak several foreign languages, as the knowledge of languages and cultures enhances multilingual speakers’ professional, research, and business opportunities. This is why the UL SEB offers a wide range of language courses. In addition to English, students can choose among German, French, and Italian at the advanced and intermediate levels. Speaking several languages can undoubtedly improve UL SEB graduates’ employment and career prospects.

A series of in-house course-books has been developed at the Department of Foreign Languages for Business and Economics based on current insights into language teaching. They focus on key topics in business and economics and explore the relevant terminology in contextualized situations. The coursebooks have been edited by teachers of economics and business courses at the UL SEB as well as by external language experts.

Did you know that companies with a consistent language strategy can increase sales turnover by 10 to 25%? You can find the results of a recent survey carried out in small and medium sized companies (SMEs) in the 27 EU member states on the European Commission’s website Languages mean business. On the site you can access the Language Guide for European Business: Successful communication in your international trade. It presents the outcomes of the Pimlico Project prepared by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Education and Culture (DGEAC). The report summarizes the findings of the Pimlico survey, designed to promote greater foreign language use by SMEs.


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