Managerial Economics

Aims of the course

This course emphasizes the synthesis of economic theory, decision sciences, and the various fields of business administration studies. It examines how they interact with one another as the firm attempts to reach optimal managerial decisions in the face of constraints. A special emphasis will be made on how managerial decisions are actually made in the real world. The course will increase the effectiveness of decision making by expanding and sharpening the analytical framework used by managers to make decisions.

Course syllabus

1. Teorija povpraševanja.
1.1. Tradicionalna teorija povpraševanja.
1.2. Teorija povpraševanja, ki temelji na značilnostih proizvodov.
1.3. Ocenjevanje povpraševanja in njegovo napovedovanje.
1.4. Študijski primer
2. Proizvodnja in stroški.
2.1. Stroškovne prednosti podjetij.
2.2. Optimizacija dobička in ponudba podjetja.
2.3. Analiza stroškov za poslovno odločanje.
2.4. Študijski primer
3. Interna organizacija in trg asimetričnih informacij
3.1 Študijski primer
4. Navpične meje podjetja.
4.1. Podjetje v navpični verigi.
4.2. Koristi in stroški vertikalne integracije.
4.3. Model navpične povezanosti.
4.4. Študijski primer
5. Diverzifikacija.
5.1. Mere in razlogi za diverzifikacijo.
5.2. Študijski primer
6. Tržne strukture.
6.1. Vstop in izstop.
6.2. Študijski primer
6.3. Strateške zaveze in teorija iger.
7. Dinamična cenovna politika.
7.1. Študijski primer
8. Cenovna diskriminacija.
9. Strateško pozicioniranje in konkurenčne prednosti.
9.1. Konkurenčne prednosti.
9.2. Strateško pozicioniranje.
9.3. Obranljivost konkurenčnih prednosti.
9.4. Študijski primer
10. Inovativni poslovni modeli
10.1. Študijski primer 1. Theory of demand.
1.1. Classical theory of demand.
1.2. Theory of demand that is based on product characteristics.
1.3. Demand estimation and demand forecasting.
1.4. Business case
2. Production and costs.
2.1. Cost advantages.
2.2. Optimization and supply of the firm.
2.3. Costs analysis for business decisions.
2.4. Business case
3. Internal organisation and markets of asymmetric information
3.1. Business case
4. Vertical boundaries of the firm.
4.1. The firm in a vertical chain.
4.2. Costs and benefits of vertical integration.
4.3. Model of vertical integration.
4.4. Business case
5. Diversification.
5.1. Measures and reasons of diversification.
5.2. Business case
6. Market structures.
6.1. Entry and exit.
6.2. Business case
6.3. Strategic commitment and game theory.
7. Dynamic pricing policy.
7.1. Business case
8. Price discrimination
9. Strategic positioning and comparative advantages.
9.1. Comparative advantage.
9.2. Strategic positioning.
9.3. Sustaining comparative advantage.
9.4. Business case
10. Inovative business models.
10.1. Business case

Course director(s)

  • Office Hours
  • Wednesday at 11:00 in RZ-301
  • Office Hours
  • Wednesday at 14:30 in RZ-406
  • Office Hours
  • Thursday at 11:15 in RZ-307
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